Welcome to theReal Djava Photography,
Real Djava Photography melayani Anda di bidang Jasa Foto ( Pre Wedding, Wedding, Portrait, Candid, dll), Videography dan design Art, Lokasi kami di Mojokerto, Surabaya, Probolinggo, Malang (Jawa Timur)…..tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk datang ke kota anda…

we will give the impression of

memory respectively in immortality in the form of natural images, classic, full of beauty and art.
Capturing the romantic moments with your partner, to be shown on your invitation or wedding ceremony, or capture beautiful memories with family / friends.

be sure to use the services of photography that can capture your beautiful moments.

We provide satisfaction in photography, simple, natural,detail and angle point of view .... so that will be lasting memories for you ...

Real Djava Photography | Pre Wedding, Wedding, Indoor, Out door, Candid, Portrait, etc

Love liauw liong hok and liem mey fang

Sekarang lagi upload foto pernikahan elda dan sanjaya, lha kok komennya banyak yang bilang kayak cover korea drama... Hahahaha... Emang bener sih.. :)
Kasih judul apa yaaa.. ??? Love liauw liong hok and Liem mey fang... Keren gaa... Itu emang nama mereka... Hehe
Pasangan yg becanda terus, ketawa terus... Riang gembira pokoknya foto2 bareng mereka.. So happy wedding, God Bless You...

Elda & Sanjaya
Foto by Real Djava Art Photography
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Real Djava Photography Jasa Foto wedding, Pre wedding mojokerto surabaya malang probolinggo jatim